An acknowledged National Resource Institute for Entrepreneurship Education, Research, Training & Institution Building.
Launched in 1983, EDII is a National Resource Institute in entrepreneurship education, research, training, capacity building, institution building, MSME growth, innovations and incubation. The Institute has been set up with the support of premier financial institutions, viz; the IDBI Bank Ltd; ICICI Ltd; IFCI Ltd; State Bank of India and with the backing of the Government of Gujarat. EDII stands on the belief that ‘Entrepreneurs are not just born but can also be created by training and well-conceived interventions.ā
Over last more than four decades, through strategic PAN India interventions, EDII has successfully established the credibility of entrepreneurship as a development tool. EDII has been recognized as the CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India. The Institute also undertook the task of institution building by setting up entrepreneurship development centres in several states of the country including the newly set up states/UTs of Goa, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh etc. This effort was broad-based internationally too, with the setting up of Entrepreneurship Development Centres in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Uzbekistan and Rwanda.
Instituteās Business Incubation Centre, CrAdLE (Centre for Advancing and Launching Enterprises), set up with the support of Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, is focused on incubating start-ups in the potential areas of food/agri business, renewable energy and healthcare. Today EDII works in a collaborative mode with noted corporates, Government Ministries / Departments and regulatory bodies in implementing mega PAN India projects, with focus on policy advocacy & research; entrepreneurship education; New Venture Creation; growth of existing enterprises; SME growth & Business Development Services; sustainable livelihoods & global entrepreneurship Development interventions.
The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) epitomises both a will and a belief ā the will to advance the frontiers of development and the belief that education and training can have a multiplier effect on this process.
As the concern for economic development became all-pervasive after the Second World War, interest in entrepreneurship ceased to be a subject of merely academic romance. The primary focus was no more on abstract or theoretical conceptualisation; it now shifted to exploring practical measures to augment the supply of critical actors in the entrepreneurial process ā persons possessing both competence and aptitude to initiate, nurse and expand industrial enterprises. Concomitantly, the belief in the efficacy of education and training to inculcate and develop entrepreneurial urges and capabilities also increased and programmes, directed specifically to this end, began to come to the fore.
An acknowledged National Resource Institute for Entrepreneurship Education, Research, Training & Institution Building. Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII)