
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), has been organizing Ahmedabad organizes ā€˜Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurshipā€™ since 1994. The Biennial Conferences continue to provide a forum for researchers, educationist and practitioners to share their research findings and experience in the field of entrepreneurship development. Deliberations on issues that are of contemporary relevance and interest have opened up new avenues to spearhead entrepreneurship at a much wider scale. The Conference is organized under the aegis of the Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development(CREED)setup by EDII.


Fourteenth Biennial Conferences on Entrepreneurship (February 25-27, 2021)

For complete details, browseĀ

Thirteen Biennial Conferences

Conference No. Theme Dates
13th Entrepreneurship 20-22 February 2019
12th Entrepreneurship 22-24 February 2017
11th Entrepreneurship 18-20 February 2015
10th Entrepreneurship 20-22 February 2013
9th Entrepreneurship 16-18 February 2011
8th Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research 19-21 March 2009
7th The New Frontiers of Entrepreneurship 21-23 March 2007
6th Advances and Trends in Entrepreneurship Research 9-11 March 2005
5th Current Trends in Entrepreneurship Research 6-8 January 2003
4th Current Trends in Entrepreneurship Research 8-10 November 2000
3rd Current Trends in Entrepreneurship Research 18-20 March 1998
2nd Business Response to Changing Environment 13-15 March 1996
1st Current Research in Indian Entrepreneurship 29-31 March 1994

Sub-Themes of Thirteen Biennial Conferences

  • Academic Entrepreneurship & Intellectual Property Rights
  • Agripreneurship
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Development Sector
  • Ecopreneurship
  • Edupreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Entrepreneurial Intention, Motivation and Behaviour
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • Entrepreneurial Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
  • Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy
  • Entrepreneurship in the MSME Sector
  • Entrepreneurship Orientation
  • Entrepreneurship Policy
  • Entrepreneurship: Barriers and Gateways
  • Entrepreneurship: Perspectives and Practices
  • Family Business and Enterprises
  • Gender & Entrepreneurship
  • Global Entrepreneurship
  • Green Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Institution Building

Distinguished Keynote Speakers at the Conference

  1. Padma Shri Late Dr. V. G. Patel, Noted Expert on Entrepreneurship and Founder & Former Director of EDII, Ahmedabad
  2. Dr. Yoginder K Alagh, Vice Chairman & Professor Emeritus, Sardar Patel Institute of Economic & Social Research, Ahmedabad
  3. Dr. Erwin Blum, President, University of Applied Science, Germany
  4. Prof. G. K. Chadha, Former Member, PMā€™s Economic Advisory Council, New Delhi
  5. Prof. Pradip Khandwala, Former Director, IIMA
  6. Dr. Helmutt Loekenhoff, Germany
  7. Shri Arun Maira, Member, Planning Commission, Government of India
  8. Dr. C. Rangarajan, Honā€™ble Member of Parliament, New Delhi
  9. Dr. Elmar Stuhler, Germany
  10. Prof. Dwijendra Tripathi, Kasturbhai Lalbhai Chair Professor of Business History & Entrepreneurship (Emeritus), IIM Ahmedabad
  11. Shri Jay Narayan Vyas, Honā€™ble Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat

Over 1060 papers have been submitted on various themes of entrepreneurship during the thirteen conferences.Ā  Around 250 Ph.D./Research Scholars and in entrepreneurship have actively participated and presented their research findings in the conferences and more than 1200 delegates have attended the conferences.
International delegates from 37 countries viz., Australia, Bangladesh, Benin, Canada, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Jordon, Kenya, Kuwait, Norway, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, South Arica, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sultanate of Oman, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe have participated and presented papers.