
The ongoing transformations in the national and international economy have an impact on various aspects of Entrepreneurship and in order to gain an insight into the possibilities and implications of these developments, research has been accepted as the most powerful tool.

Reaffirming that the findings of research advocate a positive approach to work methodology and place the ultimate goal within reach, the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India set up a Research Centre at the institute, in the year 1997. It was conceded that this Research Centre would lead to the expansion of boundaries of knowledge and give an identifiable thrust to the Entrepreneurship Development Movement.

Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development (CREED) was, therefore, set up to act as a crucial link between theory and practice in the field of entrepreneurship.

The Objective

  • Supports in-house research in Entrepreneurship,
  • Catalyses the process of networking between researchers and institutions in the sphere of Entrepreneurship,
  • Encourages young researchers to make use of intellectual and other resources at the Centre so as to make valuable contribution to the knowledge on Entrepreneurship,
  • Promotes collaborative research endeavours with institutions and individuals outside the Centre,
  • Disseminates and shares various research findings among planners, policy-makers and academicians and organizes seminars, workshops and colloquies.

The Focus Areas include

  • Entrepreneurship Education
  • Innovations in Training Techniques
  • Voluntary Sector: Issues and Interventions
  • Gender and Enterprise Development
  • Micro Finance and Micro Enterprise Development
  • Emerging Profile of Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century

The Major Activities to Promote Research are

  • Journal of Entrepreneurship: The Journal of Entrepreneurship is a reputed academic publication of the Centre and has established its credibility among scholars in India and abroad as a unique forum to disseminate their research findings, both theoretical and empirical. The Journal incorporates insights gained through research and innovative experiments, with particular focus on countries like India, which has mounted a wide range of programmes to develop the latent entrepreneurial capabilities of its people. It focuses on the changing contours of entrepreneurial research and training, thus acquainting the readers with the latest trends and developments in Entrepreneurship. In addition to book reviews, the Journal also publishes original papers of high standard, to expand the frontiers of knowledge.
    For detailed information, visit:
  • In-house Research Projects: In its pursuit to extend the frontiers of knowledge on Entrepreneurship, the Institute encourages and undertakes in-house research activities by making use of intellectual and other resources of the Centre.
  • Fellowships: Through short-term research fellowship programmes, EDII envisages to promote collaborative research endeavours with institutions and individuals outside the Institute. It encourages young researchers to contribute to the field of Entrepreneurship.
  • Visiting Fellowships: These fellowships are for senior researchers whom the Institute invites to write papers or conduct research in the area of Entrepreneurship and delve into a range of issues surrounding small and medium enterprise sector.
  • Biennial Conferences: These conferences are organised to provide a platform to researchers, academicians, planners and policy-makers to come together to share their research findings and experiences that are of contemporary relevance and interest.
    For the Biennial Conference, browse
  • Working Paper Series: The Institute has launched a working paper series wherein researchers are encouraged to make notable contribution to entrepreneurship and take up issues concerning the area.

Important Research Projects Completed

  • Impact of New Economic Policy on SMEs
  • Impact of GATT on SMEs
  • Impact of Fiscal Incentives on Industrialisation in Gujarat
  • Dynamics of Industrial Clusters in India
  • Growth of Firms and Entrepreneurial Competencies
  • Doing Business in India: Issues and Implications
  • Constraints to Growth of Small Scale Firms
  • National Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes
  • Evaluation of EDPs in North Eastern States
  • A Critical Analysis of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes
  • Micro-Enterprise Development in Himalayan Region: The Indian Experience
  • Role of Small Business Associations in the Changing Economic Environment
  • Promoting Entrepreneurship through Training: An Assessment of Training Initiatives of MCED, Aurangabad
  • Business Development Service Providers in India: A Study of Calcutta Metropolitan
  • A Study on Entry Barriers to Entrepreneurship: As Perceived by Youth
  • Entrepreneurship Curriculum for Vocational Education in Colleges

Future Research Agenda

  • Industry Specific training needs assessment for benefitting from government schemes like, ‘Skill India’
  • Research for identifying viable business opportunities and developing business models in line with requirements of ‘Swachh Bharat’ campaign.
  • Study the profile of unemployed and underemployed youths, suggesting entrepreneurial interventions to address these issues.
  • A retrospective study on the impact of economic slowdown, during the crisis of 2012, on MSMEs.
  • A study on requirements for large scale emergence of start-ups.
  • Emerging areas, like; Lean Manufacturing, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Role of Science & Technology for ‘zero defect’ and ‘zero effect’; and support required by MSMEs for becoming globally competitive etc.

Mr B. Ganapathi, Librarian and coordinator – CREED